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Importing Data Errors

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When importing you data, there are some common errors that you might face. This page explains how you can solve them.

Common erros

Checking tooltips

The first trick here is to check the tooltips when any question appears.

Invalid index error

This is usually an error related to the origins. We recommend checking the origins from the previous mining package, otherwise, MiningMath’s results won’t match the actual coordinates.

You should be aware that MiningMath employs coordinates (X,Y,Z), where Z, representing elevation, starts from the bottom. However, some other mining software may start from the top.

Also check the minimum and maximum values for each coordinate (X, Y and Z) of your CSV file to confirm if they are all within the box of your block model. And always remember that the origin must be the (minX, minY, minZ) of this box, as shown in the image below. Therefore, all the block centroid coordinates in the CSV must be greater (>) to the origin values.

The calculation of the origins is quite simple. Usually, when your CSV file has all blocks below the topography, just take the minimum value of each axis, indicated on the first import screen, and subtract half a block. This will give you the correct origin.

This error may also be related to other aspects such as incorrect spacing (coordinates that do not respect the block dimensions, considering the set of coordinates and the origin), and repeated coordinates, among others. Therefore, we also recommend reviewing the steps of formatting the block model and importing the block model  to ensure there are no inaccuracies.

Field types assignment

A common issue occurs when we assign the variables to the wrong field type.  

To know how to assign properly, check the Importing Block Model page.

"Next Button" unavailable

This one is related to the “Next” button which can be explained here.

New fields in the Marvin model

If you are working with Marvin Deposit along with MiningMath free, be aware that the inclusion of new fields is allowed, as long as there is no inclusion or exclusion of blocks in the file, and the SLOPE, DENSITY, and INDEX or COORDINATES fields are not modified. An error message might be displayed  when modifications are detected in the basic structure of the standard Marvin deposit. Therefore, use the original CSV file provided with the MiningMath installation. 

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